One Blue Day

It was the strangest of the strange, but the other day, I found myself almost…kinda…sorta…inexplicably sad that the summer is slowly inching towards its end.

Yes, I know. It’s ridiculous, and I must be high on honeybuns. Be that as it may, I thought it would be a good idea to outfit  myself in decidedly summery garb, since I only feel that way a handful of times a year.

Here are the results of my late summer madness. Frizzy hair and all:

“What the heck is she looking at her crotch for? Is the headphone’s wire stuck somewhere funny?”

Ha! It isn’t. And I have no idea.


Ask yourself, “With that demented look painted on her face, do you really want to know what she’s looking at?”

I didn’t think so.

Here’s what I was rocking that day:

Blouse: The Gap/Shorts: Uniqlo/Shoes: Marc Jacobs/Laptop Case: Marc by Marc Jacobs/Headphones: Skullcandy Aviators

The faraway look is all mine, of course.


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