Ksubi Fall Pieces

Aussie Duality

If for some reason you knew about Australian label Ksubi before I did, now is the time to own up and apologize for leaving me out of the loop.  That was just not very nice of you.

Sorrow overtook me when I discovered the sporty boyish pieces, and and the glassses, and the… well… oh, who am I kidding? It was beyond exciting to discover these guys on my own. Seriously, thanks for not mentioning it, even though I probably should have known about these guys ages ago.

The duality that is sewn right into these designs is truly their most alluring quality, and might I add,  right up my alley. Hopefully yours as well, if you’re still reading this.

The double-waisted pants, for instance,  look equally awesome when worn with either heels or sneakers. The sunglasses are billed as unisex pieces, but admittedly, they would probably fall flat with most guys I  know. Except maybe for the black ones on the left.

And the jacket? Well, it’s labeled as a men’s piece, but is it really a men’s piece if I just want my boyfriend to get it so that I can steal it? Discuss.





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